Friday, October 26, 2012

What is it like to be gay in the world's most homophobic country?

Did you know that Uganda is the world's most homophobic country? A resident of  Central Uganda David Kato was pronounced dead in a street close to his home because of his sexuality. His suffered a long life of discrimination, violence and attacks in which all was approved by the media and government in fact it was even encouraged! In 2009 a Anti Homosexuality Bill was passed stating that the death penalty would be given to any homosexual. Last year the bill was postponed but it still has yet to be vetoed in full. David's friend who was also gay was questioned by his mother if he was possessed by the devil because they have never seen anything of "his kind". Anything he did, the people would report back to his parents and he would be punished. She wanted to go out and make a difference, she teamed up with other homosexuals start a campaign called The fight for LGBT rights. She says that if it was not for the support of the allies of the international community, they would not have gotten this far. David Kato inspired many and has encouraged them to fight for their rights and go against the Ugandan government and defend their rights.

I find this story to be very upsetting. David had no reason to suffer in life and for sure did not deserve to be murdered. I think it is very important for the people of Uganda to speak up and go against their government and defend their rights because no one deserves to suffer the way the homosexuals are in their country. They live everyday in fear and shame and secret and that is not ok. How do you feel about this situation? What do you think they should do to try and gain more access to their rights?

To find out more about this article click here!

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